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ديسمبر 2014


أكتوبر 08, 2014

Kidney issues

Kidney disease is when a disease or bug attacks the kidney, causing damage which gets worse over several months or even years.
Diseases that mostly cause kidney disease are:
 Type 1 or type 2 diabetes

 High blood pressure

 Glomerulonephritis  is an inflammation of the kidney’s filtering units 

 Interstitial nephritis, an inflammation of the kidney’s tubules and surrounding structures

 Polycystic kidney disease

 Persistent obstruction of the urinary tract, from conditions such as enlarged prostate, kidney stones and some cancers
 Vesicoureteral reflux, a condition that causes urine to back up into your kidneys

 Repetitive kidney infection, also called pyelonephritis 

Prevention of kidney disease 

  Preventing kidney disease is better than having to manage the symptoms of kidney disease. When the kidney completely fails to work sufficiently, the chances of survival of the individual will mainly depend on dialysis, which is costly and is a lifetime treatment. It is crucial to maintain full control of your sugar level in order to not put a strain on the kidney. Living healthily is also essential to avert the danger of kidney disease. Not smoking also helps to keep your kidney healthy, so stop as early as you can.  Another way of preventing kidney disease is to keep your cholesterol and blood pressure under control. Because kidney disease is dangerous, early detection of the condition is crucial in order to receive the correct medication and treatment. Regular blood tests for your creatinine level helps in the early exposure of kidney disease.

How to keep your kidney healthy?

Keeping your kidneys healthy is essential. 
Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Avoid fatty foods that are high in cholesterol

Do not smoke, if you are already a smoker, QUIT. You’re 3 times more at risk with kidney disease when you are a smoker and it doubles your chance for other severe diseases like strokes and heart attack.

Exercise is necessary to keep to an ideal weight. Obese people are more at risk of kidney disease with the added risk of suffering from high blood pressure.

Keep the body hydrated. Drinking water is essential as it helps to flush the kidneys through from any unwanted toxins.
If your blood test shows abnormality of creatinine, the doctor will prescribe medication for you to take, which will prevent further damage to your kidney.

Symptoms of kidney disease?

A disease in the kidneys may result in the following indication:

Exhaustion and frailty

  The kidney is responsible for the production of red blood cells, which help carry oxygen rich cells to keep the body energized.

Urinary changes

  The kidney is important in the production of urine, this is where the toxic waste from the body is discharged to and disposed of. Kidney disease results in serious changes in the urine, like generating bubbly urine, blood which contains urine, difficulty in weeing and frequent weeing. The colour could also change quite to extreme dark yellow/orange or very pale.


  Swelling in kidney disease is also more apparent, as the kidneys are unable to disperse the amount held and therefore it builds up in the body.  The ankles are the most common place for the fluid to be held.


  When swelling has occurred, the toxins are also retained in the body and this can cause rashes and itchy sore skin.